Changes to how we send and receive messages with patients (both texts and electronic advice requests)

What is changing?

From 1st April we start using PATCHS for messaging with you our patients. PATCHS is also how patients will contact us online for a clinical or administrative reason (we currently use eConsult for this, but eConsult is being replaced by PATCHS).

What do I have to do now?

In order to prepare for this change, and to be ready to use PATCHS, we are asking patients to set up an NHS login. The NHS login is also used to access other health and care websites. If you don’t have an NHS login yet, then we are asking you please to act now and get one. 

What is an NHS login?

There is information about the NHS login here: Help Centre Home (

The NHS login is used to access the NHS App. We know many patients already have the NHS App and so will already have an NHS login. If this case you need do nothing (other than ensure you know your password 😉)

Is the NHS login the same as the NHS App?

No. The NHS login stands alone and can be used to access a variety of health and care websites, including PATCHS.

The NHS App is different. It is freely downloadable from App stores. More information about the NHS app here, including the features available: NHS App features - NHS Digital

Do I have to use the NHS App to access PATCHS?

No. You do not need to get the NHS App in order to use PATCHS. In order to use PATCHS you need a login and we want you to use you NHS login for this. (However, there are people who will not be able to get an NHS login, see Can everyone have an NHS login? below).

Currently patients who use electronic services to order repeat prescriptions, or to view their medical records, use a variety of electronic systems. We are now asking everyone to use the NHS App for these instead if they don’t already. Using the NHS App for all online services means you will have fewer logins.

What can I do on the NHS App?

Once we are fully live with PATCHS then your messages from us will be in your NHS App.

We are now asking patients to please use the NHS app to order their repeat prescriptions, set their nominated pharmacy and to view their health records (such as checking bloods results) securely. The App has many other features such as health advice, NHS 111 online, choosing whether the NHS uses your data for research and planning, and your covid passport.

The NHS App is straight-forward and clear to use. Because it is created and maintained by the NHS, we feel it may have more longevity. (Unlike, for example eConsult and PATCHS which are both owned by third parties and so can be subject to funding and contracting changes as we are now seeing – see next paragraph).

Why is all this changing?

All GP practices in West Yorkshire are being asked to make this change by the NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB -  which pays for all the texts and messages). We have had no control over the change. We appreciate it is something new for you to get accustomed to which may not be welcome, and we apologise for this. It has also entailed much staff training and changing of our processes here at the practice, which was not welcome to us either.

Can everyone have an NHS login?

No. You will need your own mobile phone in order to set up an NHS login. (It can be any mobile phone: not necessarily a smartphone).

If you do not have a mobile phone then it is currently not possible to set up an NHS login. (The national NHS login team is hoping to offer a solution to this in the future). Instead, you will have to set up a PATCHS login. This can be done in due course once we launch PATCHS in April.

If you would like to find out more about PATCHS now then click here: PATCHS

Thank -you